Charity Event Bristol: Abseiling at Avon Gorge to raise money for the charity Sparks

March 10, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

As some of you may or may not know, our grandson Joshua who is now 5, was born 11 weeks premature. As a result of his premature birth Joshua has a form of Cerebral Palsy that affects the muscles in his legs. We are very blessed that his condition is mild in comparison to what it could have been, however it affects his life on a daily basis.

Sparks is an amazing charity that funds medical research to increase the clinical understanding and treatment of conditions that affect mums to be, babies and children. In particular they have done some fantastic research into treatment for children suffering with cerebral palsy.

As a parent of a child who has a disability Emma is always thinking about his future and any treatment that can help his condition and benefit his day to day life. It's so important to know that a charity like sparks are making fantastic medical advances into not only Joshua's condition, but also numerous other conditions that affect babies and children.

Emma would really appreciate any donations to this cause, whether big or small, so please dig and donate to this worthy cause via Emma's Just Giving Page for Sparks

Emma at Sparks Charity Abseil Event



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